Mid Devon Dog Training provides 1:1 dog training advice and programmes with continued online or telephone support. All training techniques are science-based and force free only. Positive reward-based training and knowledge of how dogs communicate, makes learning easier for the dog and training fun for everyone involved. Resulting in a relaxed, fear-free dog and a closer bond between dog and guardian.
I also offer a fully insured, professional group dog walking service, taking a maximum of six dogs. Dogs are picked up from their homes and transported safely to an appropriate place to walk off lead for an hour. On walks, we practice basic training skills – recall, sit, wait etc. As well as getting the opportunity to have a good run and play, we stop to play scent games and other enrichment activities, which gives me an opportunity to bond with the dogs. Parkour (jumping and climbing over obstacles) is also popular for dog mobility and strength and, if appropriate, we use the natural environment for this!